Friday, September 13, 2013

International Dot Day Lesson Ideas

Our school is participating in International Dot Day this year! Students from all over the world come together on September 16th each year to celebrate the publication of Peter Reynolds' book The Dot. The message in the story is about "making your mark" and seeing where it takes you! Mrs. Holloway and Ms. Cox, our librarians, shared the story during library time and then students created dots in art class. 
Each grade from 2nd through 4th studied a famous artist that "made their mark" on the world--Piet Mondrian, Wassily Kandinsky, and Vincent Van Gogh. They then created their own dots in the style of these famous mark makers. 
Students in first grade created dots on a tightrope. Pre-K and K students created a rainbow of dot "family portraits" that are "all framed in swirly gold." The 1st graders created some awesome dot resist paintings--Dots on a Tightrope. Be sure to come see the installation of our magnificent dots in the Lower School by the Jacomini Library and art room! 
What a wonderful celebration of creativity, individuality, and the courage to challenge ourselves! All of the students who participated will receive a certificate recognizing their Dot Day spirit. 

Be sure to check out Mrs. Holloway's Twitter page @jacominilibrary to find out more! 

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