Monday, January 17, 2011

Art House Co-Op Sketchbook Project: Science Project Gone Wrong

Here is my completed sketchbook for The Sketchbook Project sponsored by the Brooklyn Museum of Art and The Art House Co-Op. My chosen theme was "Science Project Gone Wrong." This book will go on tour with 25,000 others across the country over the next few months and will then become part of the permanent collection of the Brooklyn Art Library.

"Science Project Gone Wrong," 2010-11, linocut block print, xerox transfers, graphite, charcoal, salt, metallic acrylic paint.

 Front Cover
 Back Cover
 Open Book, Pages Folded
Page 1
 Page 2
 Pages 1 and 2
 Gutter, Pages 1 and 2
 Page 3, Front Cover
 Page 4, Back Cover
 "Neon Sign," Close up of prints and transfers
 Close up view.
Book pages folded, ready to be closed.


  1. Love it, love it! So fun to see our totally different treatments of the same theme. I'm interested in the folded pages. Did you re-bind the book with longer paper in order to do that? I just couldn't deal with the concept of rebinding, so I just mangled what they gave me, ha ha. I'm going to go to the Bklyn. Art Library in Feb and see the exhibit - very psyched to see what everyone has done.

  2. Thanks, Phyl! I did re-bind the book and thought I was going to go crazy trying to figure out how to fit it all back in the cover. They allow you to put fewer pages back in the book, so I went with that option. It was an awesome project and a lot of fun to work on!
