Wednesday, February 29, 2012

African Tribal Mask Collages by PK-1st Grades

The students viewed two African tribal masks. We tried to determine which mask was more realistic (real looking) and which was more abstract (imaginary looking). The students drew the basic shapes of an abstract mask with me in a whole group and then added color. One requirement was that they had to fill up most of the space of their mask with color. We drew the masks on black and brown paper to give the appearance of wood or metal. One of our masks was bronze.

On the second visit to the art room, students drew a large rectangle (a "frame") on a large sheet of paper and filled it in with a zig zag line.  I encouraged them to color in the negative space of the zig zag to create triangles. Students cut out their mask drawing from the previous week and glued it to the page. They then added details using collage materials such as feathers, sequins, patterned and metallic papers.

I love the variety in these pieces! Even though we drew along together, it is amazing to see how each student chose to add color and special collage details.

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