Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Shape Resist Paintings & Shape Collages

The third week of school, we discussed another art element: shape. Students observed and identified two main basic families of shapes: geometric shapes (ones that have a name and recognizable characteristics) and organic shapes (ones generally called "blobs" or "squiggles" and found in nature).
Pre-K through 1st grade created shape collages (an image made with bits of paper glued onto a different background) using these two different types of shapes.

2nd grade through 5th grade created a shape resist painting. Students were asked to draw an abstract composition using both types of shapes. They then colored them in with primary (red, yellow, blue) hued oil pastels. The following week, we painted with watercolor over our drawings with secondary colors (mixed from primary colors)--orange, green and purple. We also examined a color wheel and learned how to "read" one!

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